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Dynamically creating HTML and asp elements from code behind

Anonymous User 2214 05-Dec-2014

I am filling a DataTable in the code behind my webpage and trying to use it to create a "p" tag which has text of the service option followed by an ASPxCheckBox. Problem that I'm having is that I can't seem to get them within the same line, they are separated. Any assistance would be greatly. 

The code so far: 

        Dim dtExample As New DataTable
        dtExample.Columns.Add("Price", GetType(Decimal))
        dtExample.Rows.Add({1, "Engine Flush", 99.95})
        dtExample.Rows.Add({2, "Oil Check", 19.95})
        dtExample.Rows.Add({3, "Pump Up Tires", 9.95})
        dtExample.Rows.Add({4, "Air Conditioner", 69})
        dtExample.Rows.Add({5, "Brake Fluid Checker", 49.95})  
        For Each row As DataRow In dtExample.Rows
            Dim cb As New DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors.ASPxCheckBox
            Dim ParaElement As New HtmlGenericControl 
            ParaElement.InnerHtml = "<p class='serviceoption center' id='" & row("ID") & "'>" & row("Option") & "</p>"
            cb.ID = row("ID")
            cb.Checked = False
            cb.Visible = True
            cb.ClientInstanceName = row("ID")

Updated on 05-Dec-2014
I am a content writter !

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